ayahuasca in peru ceremony

Personal overcoming with ayahuasca and detoxification deep cleansing of the soul 10 days

Ayahuasca therapies are performed by expert Shamans and specialized assistants

Personal Overcoming With Ayahuasca and Deep Detoxification of the Soul.- We each have different problems, we are flesh and blood with our own feelings, many of us have resentments, hatred, trauma in the mind and the heart for the destiny we believe we had to live.

We go through violence, anguish, difficulties, indifference, injustice, depressive situations, absence of love from parents or separations from parents or couples that deceive us and other energy blockages.

Many lose love, sensitivity and forget their self-esteem for damages, psychological mistreatment, we suffer sentimental disappointments that we can not forget, among other circumstances that marked our life.

We feel that we are not understood by those we love and by society, we end up taking refuge in alcohol, drugs, different addictions and we get lost in the hedonism that we think makes us feel good, in the end we fall into darkness instead of living in the light.

ayahuasca retreat peru about

Many of us know that we are not well and we are not on the right path, just that we do not want to accept reality, we prefer to suffer and only give pain to those who love us. We seek guilty to our problems and we become the victims, then this turns into a vicious circle with no exit apparently. Our pride, our ego is stronger and prefers to stay as we are, we just do not want to take the first step to change, one’s got to have absolute commitment to change, how would you achieve improvement … ?

The answer is your decision and commitment. Only your will and hope will help you to come out into the light, open your eyes, there are people you do not know who want to help. Our spiritual center can help you with personal overcoming through the Ayahuasca, the wisdom of sacred plants whose pure spirit brings awareness about the meaning of existence. Do a deep detoxification, purify your body, soul and thoughts, it is time to mature and change, it is time to stop suffering, it is time to overcome the problems that do not allow you to live in peace. This treatment of personal improvement with Ayahuasca and deep detoxification of the soul, consists of 6 sessions with the sacred brew, as a minimum.

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    Chaman quero cusco


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